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I used to not like doing weddings years ago. Why? It was because computers were not as fast as ones today and editing software was like learning a secret language. I believe there are some great storytellers out there and if they had the software of today like FCPX they could get their story out there. Video/Picture cameras have gotten better and cheaper too. While there are other bridge cameras out there that are cheaper and do other things better or worse I chose the SONY RX10II. For me it made sense because I already use SONY gear for photograpy & video. I can also add my SONY XLR-K1M  to it and have clean audio connected to the clip(s)as well. This combination saves me time in post and makes it easier on other editors that have to work with my footage. Everyone has a different workflow that works the best for them and their way of thinking. What combonations of products works best for your workflow?

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